Anyway, at first we planned to enrol Harith to a school here, even if it for just a few months, just to give him some exposure. Usually school enrollment is a simple thing. Just bring the birth certificate and the immunization record and it's all set. However a trip to nearby school proved it's not as simple as that. By California law, we have to do medical check-up, dental check-up, etc etc etc. All in all, the total cost would be somewhere near USD 1000! FYI, medical facilities is very, very, very expensive here in US..even so for dental. That's what Barack Obama and the Democrats are fighting for. After discussing with dear hubby, we decided not to go ahead with the plan. We're not staying here for good anyway, only till the end of the year. It's really not worth it to spend almost USD 1000, when that money can be used for Harith's schooling in Malaysia next year.
So, I have to do the schooling myself. However, Harith proved to be a very very difficult student. He have trouble concentrating, and he gets bored very fast. Luckily I brought a few of his books from back home. So far I stressed on Mathematics. I want him to be good in Maths. Also, I found a few websites to teach him read English. Harith is good in communicating English, but has trouble reading. But he's progressing, and I'm pretty much satisfied with his progress. However, he's very good in drawing (for his age), and quite creative. Somehow, this reminds me of my late Dad. Surely he got the genes from his Grandpa since Ummi and Abah are no way an artist..haha.
Abang and Adik goofying around.
We watch TV almost all the time, and laptop is almost ON 24 hours, either for games, or facebook or forums or etc. I know this is really not healthy...*sigh*...please of you readers have any idea on what activity to suggest for the kids, please give them in your comments. TQ.
hehehehheee....ur life is almost the same like mine....cuma kak iza leh drive...and xyah pakai arbaya......well tu lah kan..budak - budak bila xboley kuar memain...diorg cepat bosan....
so mak dia lerrr yg kena terlebey creative reka cipta mcm2 aktiviti...farah selalu bg budak - budak ni main interactive online games kat internet or kak iza beli cd yg ada education tuh such as School Zone cds' sure harith will enjoy it..coz ada byk activities lam tuh....balqises did!
haa..farah..even pandai drive pun akak tak kuar. tak ingat jalan satu hal, takut satu hal, hehe.. mmg selalu harith main online games, day in day out, sampai merah2 mata..tu la tak bawak education CD diaraong, hisk..nak kena beli lain la pulak.
weh! Lama tak baca blog kau... kau dah g dok USA? hehehehe. Alhamdulillaah. Leh la anak2 ko lajar cakap sleng brad bin pitt dan angelina binti Jolie :D hehehehe.
pernah try boleh belajar and main at the same time..nnt kalau ada websites lain aku share eh..bye..and enjoy ur life there..:)
niza..try dah...semua try belaka dah..hehe..cartoon network, pbs, disney, sesame street, and byk lagi..hehe..tapi tu laa..aku rasa too much time depan komputer pun tak elok gak..sampai merah2 mata.. la ni aku dah set limit..mengaruk member tuh.
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