Well, pictures speak thousand words. I'm too lazy to describe the experience. Please browse my online photo album for more 'words', haha.
Nevertheless, our family had a great time, especially the kids. It was a new and exciting experience for them.
Thank you God, for the opportunity, and thank you Walt Disney!
waaaaaa........kak iza...bestnyeeeee!!!!iskk...bila laa kami nak jejak kami ke Disneyland tuh....sure happy & enjoy budak2 tuh kan...termasuk mak pak dia sekali!hehheheheee.......tp tiket dia leh tahan mahai ehhh.....tapi kalau worth it ok laa kan.....
Selamat Berpuasa & selamat bersahur....camna puasa kat sana?
farah, mmg worth it laa..tapi tu pun tak cukup masa, ada beberapa ride lagi tak naik. dok melangut tunggu queue jek manjang. tu pun harga satu park jek tuh..ada satu park lagi, lain lak harganya!
alhamdulillah dpat posa dgn jayanya..kira ok la, cuaca dingin jek..cuma letih sket aa
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