Exactly 4 years ago, I lost a man whom I've loved through out my entire life.
He was my strength, my mentor, my idol, my friend...he was everything to me and my family.
He was my Dad.
Al-Fatihah to dearest Ayah.
"Dear God, please forgive all of my father's sins. Please show your love and mercy to his soul. And please gather his soul among the good people whom that you love. Please give my regards to him, and please tell him that not a day passed by that I don't think of him and that I love and miss him very very much."
Dear friends and readers, I would appreciate very much if you would offer a prayer for my Dad.. Abdul Rahim bin Haji Hussien.
Thank you.
I wish my Hannah would know him..and my Harith could have spent a longer time with him. I wish they would have had the chance to know how great their grandpa was.
I wish you are still here Dad.
Al-Fatihah for arwah. InsyaAllah arwah ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang soleh.
thx fazid
Kak iza,
Al - Fatihah untuk arwah.....farah doakan moga Allah tempatkan dia bersama orang2 yg beriman..AMIN!so touching!
tq sis :)
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