Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another Weekend

As usual, we had our family outing today. Harith has been requesting for a video game for quite some time. Well, he has one, but we left it at home. Dear hubby spent the whole day yesterday surfing the net, trying to find a good bargain. Unfortunately the bidding on E-Bay got higher and higher.

We decided to get a used one. So we got him a used Sony Play Station-2. Main reason was that his cousin owns exactly the same console. So, it's easier for Harith to borrow the CDs..hehe..jimat sikit duit abah ummi. I wanted to get the Nintendo Wii, but it's wayyy to expensive, even for a used on. Plus, I'm not sure if we can find the games and accessories easily in Malaysia.

Later, we went to Wal-Mart. Just looking around, and I got some stuffs for baking cakes. And off we went to Bangkok Market again. Alhamdulillah, I got to buy "Ketupat NONA""...weeehaaaaaaaa...who says you can't find ketupat in Los Angeles..muahahaha...another thing that I found was...jeng..jeng...BELACAN!!! made my day! haha..

Most interesting was we met another Asian family. They're from Indonesia, and was very very friendly. They even invited us to go to the Indonesian consulate for Hari Raya.

Well, another tiring day. Later..


fazid said...

Salam Aidil Fitri Iza sekeluarga... Maaf Zahir dan Batin

aramis2177 said...

Kak iza..
syoknyaa....sana ada jual ketupat nasi nona tuh...eeeeiiiiiio..jeles,...sini mana laaa nak cari..tu ari masa my parents dtg pun bawa sikit je...nak tak nak kena laa buat tu lah.....satu kuih apa pun farah mood utk raya langsung...even rasanya nak pakai baju raya pun xmau....uwaaaaaaaaa...nak balik!!!
selamat hari raya & maaf zahir batin to kak iza & family

Rahiza Haszian Abdul Rahim said...

fazid..same to u too.

farah...MUAHAHAHAHA (gelak dengki, ehehe)...nak wat sendiri? rajin wooo, wat nasi impit ke? nak hempuk dgn ape tu nak bagi dia padat? kalu time kak iza kekecik dulu, mak akak hempuk dengan batu giling, atas batu giling ada periuk isi air lak..haha..punya la siksa..kalu nak wat ketupat lak, sana ada daun palas ka? farah wat pakai daun kurma je la noo..hehe