On Saturday, the 4th Eid day, we went to Six Flags Magic Mountain for the Muslim Family Day organized by Islamic Circle of North America. We started from home at 9.30 a.m. and it took almost 1 hour to reach there. Surprisingly, it was drizzling. The 1st time ever since we have been in California.

The Front Gate
Six Flags Magic Mountain is a family theme park which is full of roller coaster. And the roller coasters are AWESOME and AMAZING. I wonder how did the human minds worked in producing such wonders.
View from Skytower Museum, 38 stories from the ground.
Anyway, our first stop was of course, Thomas Town. The kids were so excited. Harith and Hannah have been Thomas's big fan. Apparently, Thomas Town is the latest excitement in Six Flags. It has a little Island of Sodor, a Tidmouth Shed where all the useful engines have a rest after a busy day, and an animal farm. Unfortunately Sir Topham Hat was no longer around. The 'character' was there during Summer for photo session with the little ones. I wish he was still there, Harith would go 'crazy'!. Hehe.. anyway, Percy the Small Engine had a small ride of his own too.

Thomas Town

Tidmouth Shed

Thomas The Tank Engine with his coaches, Annie and Clarabel

Percy the Small Engine
We spent quite sometime in Bugs Bunny World. It's the only part in the park where Harith and Hannah can have the rides. Other parts are full of gigantic roller coasters such as Goliath, X2, Tatsu and Ninja.

Inside Tweety's Cage

Taking a ride on the heli.
After that we went to have lunch at the East Pavillion where the Muslim Family Day was having a few stalls. We had a Beriyani and a Halal KFC. KFC was really finger licking good..yummyy..I seldom eat KFC back in Malaysia, but now I suddenly miss it. Haven't had the opportunity to have it here till this family day..not all KFCs have the Halal status over here.

Next came dear Hubby's turn for his crazy rides. This is his 4th time visiting Six Flags and he's still not tired of those monster roller coasters. *sigh* He went on Tatsu, the longest flying coasters in mountainous terrain.

Tatsu, view from Skytower

Somewhere up there is my dear Hubby
While waiting for Hubby, the kids and I explore around. We found the Superman's cove. It looked quite harmless, so I was thinking that I should take the ride. I haven't taken any of those roller coasters ride because I was too scared.
So when dear Hubby came back to the ground, hehe..I asked him about the Superman ride. He agreed that I should take the ride. He said the ride was fun and easy and it's not a roller coaster. Seeing the cove, in my mind, I was thinking about the Mummy ride that I took in Universal Studio..it was fast but quite ok because it was only in the cave. So, happily I left the kids with dear Hubby and went on to take the ride alone. What I didn't see was...

...that tall rocket-high behind the cove.
So after queueing about half and hour and it was finally my turn, imagine my surprise when I realized that I was going to actually ride on this thing:

This Superman ride, true to its name, is the first ride ever on this planet Earth to reach 100 mph in six seconds, and I was actually on that thing!! %^&*@(*#@*%&$@ The ride was only about 15 seconds but it was the longest 15 seconds in my entire life! When the ride finally ended, I felt like my soul was actually still up there. It took me another few seconds to get up. Hehe..I walked back to where the kids and hubby were waiting, I could see that dear Hubby had a big grin pasted on his face. On our way back, he finally reveiled to me that he, himself didn't dare to go on that ride when he first came to Six Flags, he only took the ride during his 2nd time there. "Wooo..now you're telling me, eh Honey?" He just showed me his big "Gotcha" grin. Arghhh.. anyway, I was quite proud of myself, haha..
Well, later we went around the parks. Not really taking on any rides because it was too big for the kids and I was too chicken to get on it, and dear Hubby had already taken the rides during his trips previously.
1 comment:
kalo aku la..dah patah balik..berani jugak la ko eh kira rahiza..pergh...tabik...tabik..(aku gelak sendiri baca part ko ter'kena' ngn hubby ko tu..hahahahah!)
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