Sunday, December 7, 2008

Feeling d.o.w.n.

I'm feeling down.

Both persons are important in my life.
I love both of them very much.
Whether they know it or not, both of them are so much alike.
Dedua degil, dedua super sensitif, dedua keras kepala, dedua tak sedo diri, dedua pentingkan diri sendiri.

And as always, I'm stuck between both of them.
Sana kena dengar, sini kena dengar.

Oh why oh why...why does it always have to be me?
Me who always have to please everybody?
Me who always have to take care of other people?

Dear hubby said that is my gift.
Being able to care for others more than I care about myself.
But sometimes I think that is just a curse.

I feel like running away.
Irony is, I AM away.
And instead of remain being away, I am going back.
Back to the mess and b*llsh*ts.

For the past 4 months, I've really enjoyed myself being with my own nucleus little family.
My own rules. Nobody to bother me.
For the past 4 months, life has been like a fairy tale.
Now, back to reality.

I'm so not looking forward to go home.
Haihhh..... :(

You guys don't understand me, do you?
Never mind me...I just need to ramble here, that's what blogging is all about, right?


fazid said...

i know what you mean..iza, sometimes u need to be selfish and arrogant. dont be to hard on yourself. take care.

Rahiza Haszian Abdul Rahim said...

thx sis. it's hard u know..being the only one who can be counted on. and i'm sick of being that. :(

RKA said...


Rahiza Haszian Abdul Rahim said...

thx sis **hugss*. as much as i want to stay here, i am going about 1 week time.

Anonymous said...

ciannn dia....

Rahiza Haszian Abdul Rahim said...

apa nak buat, dah ayah wariskan jawatan nih