Today is dear hubby's birthday. He's 34 today :)
As the global economy is not in a very good condition, the presents have to wait. He's not someone into presents anyway. For him, birthday is just a number. He never bother to make a big deal out of birthdays.
But me...errr..for me, birthday is important. It's been that way in my family (I mean, my 'original' family - my parents and my bro) for as long as I can remember. So, I came up with an idea how to celebrate his birthday without having to spend too much.
As I love baking and I still have lots of bake stuffs at got it I baked some cakes! Hehe..again, they were steamed cupcakes but now with chocolate flavour. As dear hubby is a HUGE fan of football, particularly Arsenal, I came up with a football theme. I spent the whole morning doing the deco. (The cakes were done earlier during weekend, but I kept them hidden from him). Fortunately dear hubby went to the office early today. So after I've finished the deco, I called my hubby's assistant, Nazruddin, who is also a family friend (err..kind Din's father and my father were childhood friends) and asked him to collect the cupcakes at the guard house and arranged for a small gathering of friends and surprised dear hubby. Fortunately Din agreed. So at 2 p.m., my mom and I went to Rapiscan Systems to deliver the cake. I had to drive very slow as the rain was pouring heavily. Didn't want to mess the deco. Hehe..
Anyway, Alhamdulillah...I managed to fulfill my dream of giving dear hubby his football theme cake. I've dreamt to do that eversince I'm active in the baking world (which is really only a few months, hehe..). Alhamdulillah..I consider the deco was quite beautiful, considering I'm only a beginner. This is only about the 7th time I've done cake decorating. Hahaha... So, below is the cupcakes, lovingly baked and passionately decorated by a wife who loves her husband very much. Cewahhhhhhhhhhh...ahaks.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Way Back Into Love
As promised, an entry about this song. You can hear the song in my playlist that I've just added.
I really love that movie..and I really loveeeeeeeeeee that song! I never knew Hugh Grant could sing...and he does have that voice! Wahlauu...IMHO, that guy is good looking as well as has a nice voice.
Way Back Into Love
by Hugh Grant And Haley Bennett
I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past
I just can't seem to move on
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need them again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere
I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Hmmmm......I'm quite lost right now...blur..stone..stuck... my way back into love?
Who wants to love me? Angkat tangan!
I really love that movie..and I really loveeeeeeeeeee that song! I never knew Hugh Grant could sing...and he does have that voice! Wahlauu...IMHO, that guy is good looking as well as has a nice voice.
Way Back Into Love
by Hugh Grant And Haley Bennett
I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past
I just can't seem to move on
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need them again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere
I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation
All I want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Hmmmm......I'm quite lost right now...blur..stone..stuck... my way back into love?
Who wants to love me? Angkat tangan!
Tag by Fazid pulakkk
I got another tag today by my friend Fazid who's currently living in Brisbane,pursuing her dreams. Aihh...mementang la aku nih minah leleh sket, ko bagi aku tag romantik ek..hehe..ok..layannnzzzz
Please copy the following rules in your post (as usual)
1. You have to point out 5 romantic movies that you would love to share with your loved ones..
2. It doesn't have to be in order.. as long as you love the movies, it will be fine..
3. You have to tag another 5 person to answer this tag
I'm in a rajin mood today, so elaborate sikit. :)
1. GHOST - the first romantic movie I've watched. If I was not mistaken, I was in Form 4 when the movie was released. Look at the cover, and you know it's a romantic movie. Tangkap leleh..especially the tanah liat scene..ahaks.. ;)
2. PRETTY WOMAN - my all time favourite..also released when I was still in school. I fell in love with Richard Gere, hehe..I particularly love the scene was so playful and naughty when Richard shut the box and Julia gasped and quickly pulled her fingers.
3. WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING - was released when I was in 2nd year university. Watched the movie with my friends, Gee, Dida and Hazleen. Hazleen was drooling over Bill Pullman, hahaha...
4. MUSIC AND LYRICS - watched this last year at ASTRO. Love the dialogues, but I especially love the song, Way Back Into Love. Will write about the song in my next entry.
5. P.S. I love You - watched this movie last year when dear hubby rented the CD when we were in Los Angeles. I've written an entry about this movie. Memang SURE tangkap leleh punya.
Orait...who's going to be next?
1. Kham
2. Farah Hasliana
3. Sha Hussin
4. AnnDee
5. Sue Samsuddin
This is just for's ok if you girls don't answer the tag. :)
Please copy the following rules in your post (as usual)
1. You have to point out 5 romantic movies that you would love to share with your loved ones..
2. It doesn't have to be in order.. as long as you love the movies, it will be fine..
3. You have to tag another 5 person to answer this tag
I'm in a rajin mood today, so elaborate sikit. :)

Orait...who's going to be next?
1. Kham
2. Farah Hasliana
3. Sha Hussin
4. AnnDee
5. Sue Samsuddin
This is just for's ok if you girls don't answer the tag. :)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Tag by Kham
Alahai..kena tag pulak by Kham...since I got nothing to do, layannnnnzzzzz...:D
So, here we go...
Picture taken on 16/12/2007 at 6.38 p.m.
Abah was busy washing his Bemmers...abang and adik was busy mengacau.
And Ummi was busy capturing the moment.
Hmm..need I tag anybody? Hmm...takpe la kot..tak semua org rajin wat tag nih. :)
1. Go to your photos folder in your computer.
2. Go to the 6th folder of photos.
3. Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
4. Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
5. Invite six friends to join the challenge.
6. Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.So, here we go...
Picture taken on 16/12/2007 at 6.38 p.m.
Abah was busy washing his Bemmers...abang and adik was busy mengacau.
And Ummi was busy capturing the moment.
Hmm..need I tag anybody? Hmm...takpe la kot..tak semua org rajin wat tag nih. :)
Friday, February 13, 2009
A New Look Again
I went to my brother's place yesterday. He commented that my blog skin 'is too dull and looks old'. Hehe..He added, "You have been doing jobs for the old people that even your own blog looks old'. I spent the whole day looking for a new template. None impressed me. But I had to settle on something!
Finally grabbed this on.
So dear brother, I hope you like this one. Even if you don't like, nyah tak kisahhhh laa...tak kuasa you!' :-D I spent the whole day looking for a new template. None impressed me. But I had to settle on something!
Finally grabbed this on.
So dear brother, I hope you like this one. Even if you don't like, nyah tak kisahhhh laa...tak kuasa you!' :-D
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Petua Untuk Hati
I got the article from one of the mailing list that I subscribed- Tmn2Syurga. I would like to share with my readers. However, it is in Bahasa Melayu.
Istimewa untuk hati yang sedang bersedih, jiwa yang sedang berduka, minda yang sedang berkecamuk, inilah petua terbaik buat mengubat resah dan gundah:
.......,kami lah hamba yang mengharap belas darimu ........Ya Allah jadikan lah kami hamba2 mu yang bertaqwa......ampunkan dosa2 kami, kedua ibubapa kami, dosa semua umat2 islam yang masih hidup mahupun yang telah meninggal dunia."
Petua untuk Hati
Istimewa untuk hati yang sedang bersedih, jiwa yang sedang berduka, minda yang sedang berkecamuk, inilah petua terbaik buat mengubat resah dan gundah:
- Amalkan tasbih, tahmid dan takbir - Inilah petua yang diberikan oleh Rasulullah SAW kepada anaknya Siti Fatimah.
- Berdoa - Mohonlah kepadaNya. Ingatlah, doa itu senjata bagi orang mukmin.
- Sibukan diri dengan sesuatu - Lakukan aktiviti yang boleh melupakan segala kekusutan seperti perbanyakan membaca al-Quran & pelbagai bahan bacaan, terlibat dengan aktiviti usrah, kemasyarakatan dan sebagainya
- Luahkan perasaan anda - Bermacam cara boleh digunakan untuk meluahkan perasaan. Carilah seseorang yang paling anda percaya (sebaiknya yang ada pertalian darah atau orang yang arif dalam agama), menulis diari atau catatan harian, menulis blog dan sebagainya
- Senyum - Apabila berada dalam tekanan, cubalah untuk senyum. Senyumlah dihadapan cermin dan lihatlah diri anda yang sedang tersenyum. Ia mampu menenangkan fikiran dan hati
- wallahualam -
" wahai tuhan ku, aku tak layak kesyurgamu ...namun tak pula aku sanggup keNerakamu..Alone
Dear readers,
Have you ever feel alone?
The children might be screaming...squeeking...fighting...
The room might be full of a crowd
The tv might be on
The radio might be blasting
But yet...
You feel....alone...
Unable to express your feelings...
For no one might be interested to know
Keep them all to yourself
The person that you feel closest to you
Might also be the person that least understand you.
Life is such
Kasih sesama manusia, satu hari pasti ada terasa kecewa
Kasihi Allah, Dia tidak akan mengecewakanmu dan Dia akan sentiasa ada di sisimu
Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wallaillahaillallah Wallahuakbar
Have you ever feel alone?
The children might be screaming...squeeking...fighting...
The room might be full of a crowd
The tv might be on
The radio might be blasting
But yet...
You feel....alone...
Unable to express your feelings...
For no one might be interested to know
Keep them all to yourself
The person that you feel closest to you
Might also be the person that least understand you.
Life is such
Kasih sesama manusia, satu hari pasti ada terasa kecewa
Kasihi Allah, Dia tidak akan mengecewakanmu dan Dia akan sentiasa ada di sisimu
Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wallaillahaillallah Wallahuakbar
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Allah Knows
When you feel all alone in this world
And there’s nobody to count your tears
Just remember, no matter where you are
Allah knows
Allah knows
When you carrying a monster load
And you wonder how far you can go
With every step on that road that you take
Allah knows
Allah knows
No matter what, inside or out
There’s one thing of which there’s no doubt
Allah knows
Allah knows
And whatever lies in the heavens and the earth
Every star in this whole universe
Allah knows
Allah knows
When you find that special someone
Feel your whole life has barely begun
You can walk on the moon, shout it to everyone
Allah knows
Allah knows
When you gaze with love in your eyes
Catch a glimpse of paradise
And you see your child take the first breath of life
Allah knows
Allah knows
When you lose someone close to your heart
See your whole world fall apart
And you try to go on but it seems so hard
Allah knows
Allah knows
You see we all have a path to choose
Through the valleys and hills we go
With the ups and the downs, never fret never frown
Allah knows
Allah knows
Every grain of sand,
In every desert land, He knows.
Every shade of palm,
Every closed hand, He knows.
Every sparkling tear,
On every eyelash, He knows.
Every thought I have,
And every word I share, He knows.
Allah knows
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Attitude Problem
Kali ni aku nak membebel dalam Bahasa Melayu. Tak kose nak menyusun ayat cakap omputih.
Citenye gini. Tahun lepas, sebelum aku fly ke LA, dlm bulan Julai 2008, aku dah antor 3000 buku ke sebuah agensi keraajaan di negeri Johor nih. 3000 buku tuh 2 titles lah..jadi ada 2 L.O (surat pesanan kerajaan daaa..) yang bernilai agak boleh tahan gak laaa. Aku punya la anto cepat, dengan harapan lepas balik L.A, dapat la bayarannya.
Balik aje dari L.A hari tuh, aku pun called up bos bahagian Kewangan agensi tuh. Dia kata, "Dah anto L.O kat SUK dah..tapi masih lom dapat peruntukan, jadi takde la payment lagi..". Fine..aku pun accept la kata-katanya ittew...kot la orang kat SUK terlebih keje awal tahun kan..tak dapat nak proses L.O aku tuh.
Now dah nak masuk pertengahan bulan Februari, aku call lagi ke agensi kerajaan yang cukup femes dengan tari menarinya itu. Cakap dgn orang yang in-charge antar kat SUK, konon nak follow up dgn sape dia hantar tuh..sebab menurut kawan aku di Pejabat Bendahari, takde masuk pun lagi dokumentasi utk Dwi Imej.
Nak tau apa dia cakap?
"Ooo...saya baru aje hantar ke SUK, kak."
WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTT???? What the hell????
Aku pun ape lagi kan...Mood memang sedia tak baik sejak semalam, dengar camnih lagi la nak meletup. Tapi kusabarkan jugak. Adab orang berpuasa, kena banyak bersabar.
Tanya elok2, "Kenapa baru hantar? Akak dah submit sejak bulan 7 tahun lepas lagi."
Jawapannya, "Ya...L.O tu kena submit dengan SUK bersama dengan bukunya sekali."
Respon aku lak, "Buku2 tu akak dah hantar ke sana sejak bulan 7 tahun lepas tu lagi laa...ada 3000 naskhah dok dalam setor tuh."
Jawapannya, "Ya, saya baru ambil daripada Cik Mat."
You know what kind of attitude is that????
Jenis suka amik mudah kerja.
Jenis lembab buat kerja.
Jenis tak reti buat kerja.
Senang cerita, jenis menyusahkan orang.
Macam manaaaaaaaaaaaaa laaaaa bisness orang Melayu tak bungkus, kalau macam gini la gaya attitude pekerja kerajaan???? Sedia maklum, kebanyakan biz Melayu ni mesti nak kena dengan gomen. Nih tah berapa lama pulak aku nak tunggu untuk dapatkan payment.
Tension, frust, kecewa, menyampah, putus asa...macam-macam berkecamuk..serabut kepala hotak aku nih. Tambah lagi dengan beberapa masalah peribadi yang lain.
Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk kita. Pasti ada hikmah di sebalik semua dugaan ini.
Ya Allah, pinjamkan kepadaku secebis kekuatan-Mu.
Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
Citenye gini. Tahun lepas, sebelum aku fly ke LA, dlm bulan Julai 2008, aku dah antor 3000 buku ke sebuah agensi keraajaan di negeri Johor nih. 3000 buku tuh 2 titles lah..jadi ada 2 L.O (surat pesanan kerajaan daaa..) yang bernilai agak boleh tahan gak laaa. Aku punya la anto cepat, dengan harapan lepas balik L.A, dapat la bayarannya.
Balik aje dari L.A hari tuh, aku pun called up bos bahagian Kewangan agensi tuh. Dia kata, "Dah anto L.O kat SUK dah..tapi masih lom dapat peruntukan, jadi takde la payment lagi..". Fine..aku pun accept la kata-katanya ittew...kot la orang kat SUK terlebih keje awal tahun kan..tak dapat nak proses L.O aku tuh.
Now dah nak masuk pertengahan bulan Februari, aku call lagi ke agensi kerajaan yang cukup femes dengan tari menarinya itu. Cakap dgn orang yang in-charge antar kat SUK, konon nak follow up dgn sape dia hantar tuh..sebab menurut kawan aku di Pejabat Bendahari, takde masuk pun lagi dokumentasi utk Dwi Imej.
Nak tau apa dia cakap?
"Ooo...saya baru aje hantar ke SUK, kak."
WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTT???? What the hell????
Aku pun ape lagi kan...Mood memang sedia tak baik sejak semalam, dengar camnih lagi la nak meletup. Tapi kusabarkan jugak. Adab orang berpuasa, kena banyak bersabar.
Tanya elok2, "Kenapa baru hantar? Akak dah submit sejak bulan 7 tahun lepas lagi."
Jawapannya, "Ya...L.O tu kena submit dengan SUK bersama dengan bukunya sekali."
Respon aku lak, "Buku2 tu akak dah hantar ke sana sejak bulan 7 tahun lepas tu lagi laa...ada 3000 naskhah dok dalam setor tuh."
Jawapannya, "Ya, saya baru ambil daripada Cik Mat."
You know what kind of attitude is that????
Jenis suka amik mudah kerja.
Jenis lembab buat kerja.
Jenis tak reti buat kerja.
Senang cerita, jenis menyusahkan orang.
Macam manaaaaaaaaaaaaa laaaaa bisness orang Melayu tak bungkus, kalau macam gini la gaya attitude pekerja kerajaan???? Sedia maklum, kebanyakan biz Melayu ni mesti nak kena dengan gomen. Nih tah berapa lama pulak aku nak tunggu untuk dapatkan payment.
Tension, frust, kecewa, menyampah, putus asa...macam-macam berkecamuk..serabut kepala hotak aku nih. Tambah lagi dengan beberapa masalah peribadi yang lain.
Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk kita. Pasti ada hikmah di sebalik semua dugaan ini.
Ya Allah, pinjamkan kepadaku secebis kekuatan-Mu.
Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin.
Monday, February 9, 2009
DBP Charity Sale For Children of GAZA
My friend, Azura Halid from DBP called me the other day. She informed me that DBP (Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka) will be holding a charity sale at Danga Bay's Festive Mall on 9th February 2009. It's for NST's fund for GAZA. So she asked whether I have anything to give for sale. After thinking for a while, I decided to bake some cakes for them to sell. I spent last Saturday and Sunday baking. And below are the results:
Anybody interested to order? Hehehe... ;)
Steamed Chocolate Cake Topped With Chocolate Ganache and Chocolate Rice
Steamed Orange Cupcakes Topped With Mix Buttercream Icing Decos
According to Azura, everything was sold out by 3 p.m. (The sale started at 11 a.m.)... Alhamdulillah....I'm so glad that I could do something for the children of Gaza. It may not be big, and it might not make too much difference..but I'm really happy that I was able to do it. Praise to Allah Who has given me the strength and determination to kick the small project.
Anybody interested to order? Hehehe... ;)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Dwi Imej
I finally created the blog for my business, Dwi Imej.
Dwi Imej is the name of my company, a home-based free-lance graphic design company specializing in paper printing products (i.e: books/newsletters/bulletins/cards/programme books etc.). It was originally created by my late Dad in the year 2000. When I returned to Johor Bahru in 2002, I was pregnant with Harith. Being preggie, I couldn't apply for any job. (My line was Management Information System). Hence, I joined the company. When Dad passed away in 2004, I fully took over the company. I terminated my salesman (I felt I was not confident enough to provide a rice-bowl for a family) and I run the business single-handedly. Of course dear hubby and my Mom were my biggest supporters. And I felt dear Ayah was always there with me too. Dwi Imej has always been a home-based company. So I was lucky to be able to juggle my time freely between my business and being a mom. I feel quite satisfied to be able to be with Harith and Hannah during their early growing up years. :)
Based on the portfolio, I feel that Dwi Imej has been quite successfull. But business has been quite slow lately. Most of the customers are government agencies and it's a known fact about them - they pay very late (still waiting for last year's payment..haihhh).
Anyway, feel free to drop by the blog to view my works. Enjoy... :)
Dwi Imej -
Dwi Imej is the name of my company, a home-based free-lance graphic design company specializing in paper printing products (i.e: books/newsletters/bulletins/cards/programme books etc.). It was originally created by my late Dad in the year 2000. When I returned to Johor Bahru in 2002, I was pregnant with Harith. Being preggie, I couldn't apply for any job. (My line was Management Information System). Hence, I joined the company. When Dad passed away in 2004, I fully took over the company. I terminated my salesman (I felt I was not confident enough to provide a rice-bowl for a family) and I run the business single-handedly. Of course dear hubby and my Mom were my biggest supporters. And I felt dear Ayah was always there with me too. Dwi Imej has always been a home-based company. So I was lucky to be able to juggle my time freely between my business and being a mom. I feel quite satisfied to be able to be with Harith and Hannah during their early growing up years. :)
Based on the portfolio, I feel that Dwi Imej has been quite successfull. But business has been quite slow lately. Most of the customers are government agencies and it's a known fact about them - they pay very late (still waiting for last year's payment..haihhh).
Anyway, feel free to drop by the blog to view my works. Enjoy... :)
Dwi Imej -
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Oh No...Not Again... :(
It happened...again.
I lost someone who was very closed to me. He was the 'father' that I've known through out my life other than my real father. I remember him taking care of me when I was about 4 or 5 years old. I remember him hugging and kissing me and carrying me to and from the shops, attending to my whining and crying when I was just a small girl. I remember him being the busiest person during my wedding (he was in-charged of the food part) I remember him comforting me when I lost my father. And I remember him advising and guiding me back to the religious way when I was in my darkest hour. He was my uncle, Ahmad bin Haji Hussien, my Dad's brother.
A phone call in the middle of the night is definitely not a good thing. Most of the time it would mean someone in the family is dying or is already dead. True enough, another uncle informed me that Pakcik Amat, as we fondly called him, has died. It took me about 3 minutes to digest the news before I finally woke dear hubby and my mom to break the news. Less than 10 days ago, I met him at his home before my trip to Melaka. Although I knew he's suffering from some unknown disease (he refused to go the hospital), but it never crossed my mind that we would lose him so early. He was only going to be 54 this coming 10th April.
My heart breaks for Cik Idah and their kids. Akmal is supposed to be married this year (I wrote about his engagement in one of my early entry). Hanum is in her final year in Universiti Utara Malaysia. And the youngest, Zihah, is waiting for her STPM result. Just like my Dad, Pakcik Amat passed away suddenly. I mean, they were fit at the time of their death! Well, we know they might be sick, but they were not hospitalized or bed-ridden! In fact both of them went out driving a few minutes before their death. It was so easy breezy for them...Alhamdulillah...but we, the loved ones, it's hard to explain the feeling of being left, without any goodbyes or any warnings. SNAPPED! You are suddenly an orphan or a widow. Having been in their shoes before, I definitely can relate to what they must be feeling now.
Dear readers, please convey Al-Fatihah to my uncle, Allahyarham Ahmad bin Haji Hussien and my Dad, Allahyarham Abdul Rahim bin Haji Hussien.
Dear God, please forgive all their wrongdoings and accept all their good deeds. May Allah blesses their souls. Amin.
Hmmm...I have to brace myself. Anxiety we go again......Dugaan..dugaan...I know I can go through this. Allah tidak akan menduga hambanya lebih daripada apa yang mampu dihadapinya. Subhanallah...Subhanallah...Subhanallah...
I lost someone who was very closed to me. He was the 'father' that I've known through out my life other than my real father. I remember him taking care of me when I was about 4 or 5 years old. I remember him hugging and kissing me and carrying me to and from the shops, attending to my whining and crying when I was just a small girl. I remember him being the busiest person during my wedding (he was in-charged of the food part) I remember him comforting me when I lost my father. And I remember him advising and guiding me back to the religious way when I was in my darkest hour. He was my uncle, Ahmad bin Haji Hussien, my Dad's brother.
A phone call in the middle of the night is definitely not a good thing. Most of the time it would mean someone in the family is dying or is already dead. True enough, another uncle informed me that Pakcik Amat, as we fondly called him, has died. It took me about 3 minutes to digest the news before I finally woke dear hubby and my mom to break the news. Less than 10 days ago, I met him at his home before my trip to Melaka. Although I knew he's suffering from some unknown disease (he refused to go the hospital), but it never crossed my mind that we would lose him so early. He was only going to be 54 this coming 10th April.
My heart breaks for Cik Idah and their kids. Akmal is supposed to be married this year (I wrote about his engagement in one of my early entry). Hanum is in her final year in Universiti Utara Malaysia. And the youngest, Zihah, is waiting for her STPM result. Just like my Dad, Pakcik Amat passed away suddenly. I mean, they were fit at the time of their death! Well, we know they might be sick, but they were not hospitalized or bed-ridden! In fact both of them went out driving a few minutes before their death. It was so easy breezy for them...Alhamdulillah...but we, the loved ones, it's hard to explain the feeling of being left, without any goodbyes or any warnings. SNAPPED! You are suddenly an orphan or a widow. Having been in their shoes before, I definitely can relate to what they must be feeling now.
Dear readers, please convey Al-Fatihah to my uncle, Allahyarham Ahmad bin Haji Hussien and my Dad, Allahyarham Abdul Rahim bin Haji Hussien.
Dear God, please forgive all their wrongdoings and accept all their good deeds. May Allah blesses their souls. Amin.
Hmmm...I have to brace myself. Anxiety we go again......Dugaan..dugaan...I know I can go through this. Allah tidak akan menduga hambanya lebih daripada apa yang mampu dihadapinya. Subhanallah...Subhanallah...Subhanallah...
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